Friday, November 12, 2010


The trouble with words
Maybe we've read that we are capable of so much more than we can imagine, that we are not limited to what the body is capable of, or we easily transcend and heal our 'mortal frame'.  These ideas can seem very attractive but are rarely compelling or useful, because they describes something that is not in our own field of experience; and words alone can never take us from one experience to another.  Thought and intellect don't move us forward, they can only take us to the water edge, to the point where are willing to doubt what we  think  is true in order to open ourselves to a greater awareness and knowing.  We can intellectually understand the ideas that words convey, but to really 'know' something, to let self-change happen, we need to be able to experience  it for ourselves without the veil that our thoughts and beliefs impose.
But why would we want to attempt to believe what others tell us anyway?  Don't we all have the capacity to look at 'what is', and then report back what we find?  We all do have this capacity but so very rarely use it, preferring instead to talk about what we think and believe is true.  We value our opinions and beliefs so highly we mostly avoid asking ourselves the most fundamental questions; and forget to use our own power of observation to simply show us 'what is'.

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